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Account Settings
Can other users see the price of my items?
What are the benefits of joining the supporter club?
Can I use Whering as normal if I do not contribute?
Is Whering Social free?
Where can I see outfits other Wherers have made for me?
Who should I follow on Whering?
What is the Team Whering account for?
Can I share my wardrobe with a friend?
How do I see my friend’s wardrobe?
How do I follow my friends?
Can I make my Wishlists private?
Can I make my Moodboards private?
Are my Moodboards public?
Are my Wishlists public?
Can I hide specific items?
Who can see my items?
How do I make my account private?
Can I change my login details?
I can't login to Whering, what do I do?
Does Whering run on Android?
Is Whering available in other languages?
What happens to my data when I delete my account?
How do I delete my account?
Why can't I sign into my account?
Why can’t I create an account on Whering?
Can I change the email I signed up with?
How do I change my password?
Who can see my outfits?
Can I backup or restore my data?
How do I change my profile photo and header?
Can I change my gender preferences after signing up?
How do I change my username?
How do I change the language?
Can I connect my account to social media?
My Stats & Tags
Can I tag multiple outfits at once?
Can I add the same season to multiple items at a time?
Can I add the same tag to multiple items at a time?
Can I add the same brand to multiple items at a time?
Can I mass edit items?
Can I filter my wardrobe to subcategories?
Are achieved items included in my wardrobe stats?
Can I see how much my whole wardrobe costs?
Who can view my stats?
How do I see what percentage of my wardrobe I am wearing?
How do I view my cost per wear?
How do I view my wardrobe stats?
My stats aren’t accurate - what do I do?
Who can see my item tags?
Can I re-order items in my wardrobe?
How do I reset filters?
Can I filter my wardrobe by tags?
How do I edit tags?
Can I create my own tags?
Can I edit automated tags?
Styling & Outfits
How to use your Style Profile?
How does the AI chat bot use my data?
How to use 'Ask Mona'
How to read your style chart
Can Whering make outfits for me?
Can I pin someone else's outfit to my Moodboard?
How do I share an outfit I’ve made for someone else?
Where can I see the outfits I’ve made for other Wherers?
Can I style items in someone's Wishlist?
Can I use my items to style another Wherer?
How many outfits can I style for another user?
How do I style an outfit for someone else?
Who can see outfits other Wherers have made for me?
I can't see any results in Dress Me, what do I do?
'Discover outfits' isn't working, what do I do?
Can I filter my wardrobe to show specific items?
Can I shuffle a Lookbook in Dress me?
Can I style a specific item in Dress Me?
Can I apply filters in Dress Me?
Can I add single items to a Lookbook?
How do I create a Lookbook?
How many outfits can I create?
How do I save outfits from Dress Me?
Can I save my outfit collage to my phone?
Can I share my outfit on social media?
Can I filter my wardrobe by item category?
Can I filter my wardrobe by most and least worn?
Can I archive outfits?
How do I mark an outfit as worn?
Can I add outfits to packing lists?
How do I duplicate an outfit?
If I delete an outfit, will it save to my Lookbooks?
How do I delete an outfit from a lookbook?
How do I add outfits to Lookbooks?
Where do I view my outfits in Whering?
How many outfits can I make on Whering?
Can I edit outfits suggested by W Pick?
How do I save outfits from W Pick to my wardrobe?
How many daily outfit suggestions can I get from W Pick?
Can I get outfit suggestions with items I don’t own on W Pick?
I don't like the outfits W Pick is showing me
Can I get outfit suggestions on Whering?
What is W Pick?
Can I pin items in Dress Me?
How can I reset filters in Dress Me?
Can I filter to seasonal items in Dress Me?
Why is my item in the wrong place in Dress Me?
Planner & Packing List
Can I schedule items/outfits from my wardrobe?
Can I add a selfie to Whering?
Can I change the weather from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
Where can I see my previous packing lists?
Who can see my packing lists?
Can I share my packing list with friends?
Can I create a packing list without making an event?
Can I create a packing list from a Lookbook?
How do I delete items from my packing list?
How do I delete a packing list?
How do I add items to my packing list?
How do I make a packing list?
How do I edit an event?
How do I make an event?
Why is my outfit not showing in Planner?
How do I remove an outfit from the planner?
Can I add more than one outfit per day in the calendar?
How do I schedule an outfit in the Planner?
How do I choose an outfit of the day?
What is the Planner for?
Adding Clothes
How do I add to my Moodboard on Whering web?
Can I add items to my wardrobe on Whering web?
What can I use Whering's Chrome extension for?
What browsers support Whering's web extension?
How do I download the Chrome extension?
If I have issues with my payment, who do I contact?
How do I view archived items?
Will new items uploaded automatically be public?
Can I change an item photo without re uploading it?
How do I view my archived items?
How do I unarchive items?
How do I archive items?
Will archived items show up when I search?
Why should I archive items on Whering?
Can I edit the background removal myself?
Can I rotate pictures I've uploaded?
Are there items already on Whering I can add to my wardrobe?
What's Whering basics?
What is the Whering database?
Can someone at Whering digitise my wardrobe for me?
How do I favourite items?
How do I delete items?
Can I filter my wardrobe by season?
Is it possible to export the data from items I’ve uploaded?
Is there a cap on how many items I can upload?
Can I have more than one wardrobe on Whering?
Can I add more than one photo per item on Whering?
How many items can I upload at once?
Is Whering free?
Can I upload accessories to my digital wardrobe?
How do I add items from the Whering database?
How do I upload clothes from the web?
How do I add items from Whering basics?
How do I add my items to Whering?
How long before my digitised items appear in my account?
Shopping & Wishlist
Can I connect my Pinterest to Whering?
How do I add to my Wishlist on Whering web?
Can I buy items directly from my Wishlist?
How do I create a moodboard?
How do I share my Wishlist with friends?
Can I make folders in my Wishlist?
Will the item still show on my Wishlist if it’s sold out?
How do I add items to my Wishlist?
Where is my Wishlist?
Can I rent clothes on Whering if I live outside of the UK?
Can I add custom brands?
Why can I only see UK sizes?
Your questions answered.
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