Mar 24
How to Actually Spring Clean Your Wardrobe

Whering editor’s note: We’d like to preface this by saying that spring cleaning isn’t a one-size fits all process! I think lots of us go about with this understanding that our wardrobes need to be swapped out as the seasons change. I don’t necessarily mean in regards to buying new clothes, but simply putting your winter wardrobe away, and bringing out your spring / summer clothes which sat hidden away since last summer. Although some aspects of our wardrobes are a no-brainer (who needs a faux-fur coat in June?), others, not so much. You might be somebody who likes compartmentalizing their life, but you could also be somebody who loves repurposing and layering- a cute summer lace top could equally be worn in November with the right layer, as much as it can be worn in May with your skirt. But more on this another time, without further ado, I’ll let Sophie get on with her article.

Spring Cleaning Tips No One Tells You
If you’re anything like me (and the rest of the U.K.) as soon as the sun pops out after months of grey misery, you’ll feel a sudden urge to completely transform your wardrobe. Whether it’s getting your sunnies and floaty dresses out from under the bed, or browsing on depop or Pinterest to find your summer 2022 personality, it often makes sense to do a big wardrobe declutter or spring clean.
With 1.7 billion items of clothing sitting in U.K. wardrobes that haven’t been worn for a year, it’s clear we need to get to know ourselves and our style better. A great way to do this is a proper wardrobe sort out. But, considering less than 1% of clothing collected for recycling is recycled into new clothing, and 300,000 tonnes (yes, 300,000) of clothing goes to landfill every year, it’s important to do it properly and conscientiously. So, here’s my 4 top tips on how to *actually* sort out your wardrobe this spring:
1. Take your time
Put aside a whole day, or even a weekend. To do this properly, and take time reflecting on whether you’re really going to wear something again you need enough time. Putting aside this much time allows you to sort your things into charity/ sell/ give away piles and ensure you go through everything. That includes sportswear and underwear.
2. Be Thorough
Sort through EVERYTHING. Yes everything, underwear, PJs, sportswear… a proper wardrobe sort out needs to cover absolutely everything that’s in it. This is a great op to see how you could use pieces from your gym or sleep collection in your everyday style too!
3.Don't be Lazy
Don’t discard something because it needs a professional clean or repair! With amazing companies like Sojo (an app that connects you with a local tailor to have your clothes altered) and Oxwash (eco-friendly wet cleaning) out there a rip or a mark isn’t a reason to get rid of something anymore. You could even try upcycling it yourself- there’s tonnes of inspo on Tiktok!
4.Donate Quality
Sort everything into piles beyond keep and get rid- have a repairs/ cleaning, charity shop, sell and giveaway pile. Charity shops are already super overloaded with clothing, so only give them high quality clothing you don’t think you could sell or donate to an initiative like Give Your Best (who I do work for sooo I am a little biased) who provide a free clothing shop for refugee women. Keep old t-shirts as rags for cleaning, and go get those repairs done baby!
A big closet spring clean can be so joyous and refreshing, and help prepare you for the slow arrival of summer and warm, rose filled evenings. Peeping at your summer dresses again (and thinking about how you could layer them for spring..) is pure serotonin. Why not take this time to digitize your wardrobe too- if it’s all out anyway!
Source: WRAP